Painting Series

“21st Century Fairy Tales for Women in Corporate”

Created in 2023, my painting series named “21st Century Fairy Tales for Women in Corporate” consists of four watercolor pieces, and is inspired by the bestselling books written for women in corporate:

* Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg, 2013
* Lean Out, Marissa Orr, 2019
* The Balance Myth, Teresa Taylor, 2013
* Dare to Lead, Brene Brown, 2018
* The Art of War for Women, Chinning Chu based on Sun Tzu Strategies, 2007

After more than 30 years of experience in the technology field, I attempt to mock these books, and in general life as a woman in corporate, with my art.

I see these books at ‘best’ as conversation starters, but at ‘worst’ they are attempts to preach women how to act more like men to be successful in the corporate workforce.

We still have one big question that awaits answers: In the 21st century corporate world, how can women be authentic and true to themselves, have a work-life balance, and still be successful and fulfilled in their work?

The series has been first exhibited in 2023 Seattle Art Fair and all pieces were purchased as a set by the dear art patron Ellen Ratajak.